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Comprehensive Guide to NECO GCE 2024 Registration for Private Candidates

The National Examination Council (NECO) has officially opened the registration for the November/December 2024 Senior School Certificate Examination (SSCE) for external candidates. This exam is specifically designed for private candidates, or those not currently attending secondary school. This guide provides essential details about the registration process and examination centres.

Registration for the November/December 2024 SSCE External is now open. Prospective candidates are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity to obtain their Senior School Certificate.

Examination centres are organized by neighbourhoods within each state. After candidates submit their registration details online, they will be assigned an exam centre in the neighbourhood they chose during registration.

Subjects Offered in NECO GCE SSCE External

The SSCE External offers 29 subjects across various fields. These subjects include:

English Language

Financial Accounting

Agricultural Science

Arabic Language



Christian Religious Knowledge (CRK)

Civic Education




Further Mathematics




Health Education



Islamic Studies

Literature in English



Physical Education





Technical Drawing


It is important to note that Nigerian languages such as Hausa, Igbo, and Yoruba also include literature components.

Guidelines for NECO GCE Form Application

Fee Structure:

Main Registration Fee: ₦22,250.00

Four-Figure Table: ₦500.00 per copy

Additional charges for stamp duty, service, and Remita are applicable.

Payment Methods: Candidates or registration centers (e.g., cybercafes) must visit NECO’s official website to create an account and pay through one of the following options:

ATM Card

Internet Banking



Bank Branch

Note: NECO no longer uses scratch cards for payments.

Registration Period:

Registration runs from 3rd July 2024 to 6th November 2024.

Late registration will cost an additional ₦2,000.00.

Walk-in registration is ₦28,000.00 per candidate.

Registration Process:


Visit NECO’s website and create an account.

Purchase registration quota and complete the registration, including biometric data capture, at a reputable cybercafé.

Offline: Biometric data will also be captured during the offline process.

Photograph Requirements:

A passport-sized photograph is required, no older than six months, with a white background.

A system camera may be used during registration.

Biometric Data

Biometric fingerprint capture is required for registration.

Fingerprint verification will be done during the exam; mismatched fingerprints will result in penalties for impersonation.

Provisions for Visually Impaired Candidates:

Visually impaired candidates are eligible and must specify their disability during registration.

Attestation Photocards and Timetable:

After registering, candidates must obtain the examination timetable and at least one clear copy of their NECO Photocard for exam admission.

The Photocard’s Referee section must be signed by an authorized official such as:

A Senior Secondary School Principal

Ordained Clergyman or Chief Imam

Commissioned Officer of the Nigerian Armed Forces or Police (not below the rank of Captain)

Senior Civil Servant (GL. 14 or above)

Legal Practitioner with 10+ years of experience

Note: Attestation photocards no longer need to be stamped at NECO state offices.

General Information

Non-Refundable Fees: The registration fee is non-refundable.

Walk-In Candidates: Can register up to six hours before their exam.

Fixed Examination Centres: Centres cannot be changed once uploaded.

Registration Instructions: Follow the instructions on NECO’s website carefully. Reputable cybercafes are recommended to avoid errors.

Corrections: Corrections can be made once within two weeks of registration. Name changes are limited to only one name or passport correction.

Study Materials: Candidates should review the Rules & Regulations and Syllabus before the exam.

Photograph on Certificates: The uploaded photograph will appear on the certificates.

Centre Viability: Centre viability will be confirmed one day before the exam.

Prohibited Items: Electronic gadgets, weapons, and smoking are banned in the exam hall.

Dress Code: Casual attire is required (no uniforms or weapons).

Multiple Registrations: Multiple registrations will result in cancellation of all results.

Late Entry: Candidates arriving after the exam starts will not be allowed to enter.

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Comprehensive Guide to NECO GCE 2024 Registration for Private Candidates – Studibee Digital Solutions