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20 FREE Websites to Launch Your Web Development Journey!

Want to build rad websites, but cash is tight? No sweat! Dive into the exciting world of web development with these awesome FREE online resources. We’ve got everything you need to go from coding a newbie to a web-building wizard, all without breaking the bank.

1. Codecademy:

Master the basics (and beyond) with Codecademy’s interactive courses in languages like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Python.

2. FreeCodeCamp:

Join the freeCodeCamp fam and level up your coding skills with many free courses and projects. Get ready to build real-world applications!

3. Skillcrush’s Free Coding Camp:

Skillcrush free coding camp beginner-friendly intro is perfect for dipping your toes in the coding pool. Learn HTML, CSS, and the basics of UX design – all in bite-sized lessons!

4. Web Fundamentals by Google:

Get schooled by the tech giants themselves! Google’s Web Fundamentals offers free online lessons and tutorials to equip you with web development essentials.

5. w3schools :

W3schools coding resource has been around the block (and the web!). w3schools offers a comprehensive library of free courses on everything from HTML and CSS to JavaScript and SQL.

6.Khan Academy :

Khan Academy isn’t just for math anymore! They offer fantastic free coding courses, including a beginner-friendly intro to HTML & CSS and a great introduction to JavaScript.

7. Udemy :

 While Udemy boasts a mix of paid and free courses, you can find plenty of free coding gems here, including introductory courses on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

8. :

 Don’t let the school-aged focus fool you! offers valuable resources for learning JavaScript and Python, including free courses and tutorials.

9. Codewars :

Gamify your learning with Codewars! This unique platform uses martial arts themes to make learning to code fun and engaging. Solve coding “katas” (exercises) to climb the ranks and become a coding master!

10. GA Dash :

Get a taste of the premium quality with GA Dash, the free learning arm of the General Assembly. This user-friendly platform offers introductory courses in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Bonus Websites!

We couldn’t stop at just 10, so here are 10 more awesome resources to fuel your web development journey:

  1. code conquest
  2. Udacity
  3. Tuts+
  4. The Odin Project
  5. Code Avengers
  6. Sololearn
  7. Digital Ocean
  8. Upskill
  10. Coderbyte

Remember, learning to code is a marathon, not a sprint. Be patient, have fun, and don’t be afraid to experiment! These free resources will equip you with the foundation you need to build incredible websites and launch a rewarding career in web development.

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20 FREE Websites to Launch Your Web Development Journey! – Studibee Digital Solutions